Human Support Services

HSS Services

Human Support Services / HSS Services

Our clients are going places, figuratively and literally. As individuals and as a group, they’ve achieved incredible success over the last year as they propel themselves forward on the path to their best lives. They’ve found jobs, excelled in training opportunities, engaged socially in the community and gained independent housing. For them, the roads ahead are filled with...

Nationwide, one in four women and one in seven men have been victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Unfortunately, in smaller communities like ours, access to domestic violence prevention services, such as counseling and legal assistance, can often be difficult to access. Our...

By the looks of them, they weren’t excited about this day. Even the most eager learners aren’t typically enthusiastic about being crammed into a tiny conference room for eight hours. But this group – eight men and one woman – looked particularly pessimistic about this training session. They were corrections officers – jailers in conversational terms – and...

In a family, when one member is sick or troubled, the others rally together to support and uplift their loved one. The same is true for communities. We’ve seen countless examples here in Monroe County of our community rallying together to support a family in need or help a sick or injured child. That communal selflessness often...

HSS is excited to announce that some of our clients will now be working with the City of Waterloo to help beautify the community! Through a new partnership with the city, our clients will work to keep the streets of downtown clean and continue the mayor's ongoing efforts of beautification. "Our clients our thrilled with this new...