Darren’s Story – Finding Family and a Brighter Future with Help from HSS
Darren was only 5 when he began to show signs of behavioral issues. By the age of 6, he was placed in foster care.
While parental rights were removed for both Darren and his sister, they were not placed together. He moved from one family to the next - and looking back, Darren says “some were good, some were not.” One special family still connects with him, sending him a Christmas card every year.
As a teenager, Darren struggled with adjustment and mental illness. Still, he managed to graduate from high school.
By the time he came to HSS in 2016, Darren had been hospitalized for mental illness many times. With no family contact, no job and no support system, he had little hope for the future.
Today, thanks to HSS staff and programs supported by donors like you, Darren is thriving.
Darren lives in safe, comfortable housing and has made great strides in taking care of his own home. For the first time in his life, he has a stable job in the community.
Now, Darren has goals to work toward, and he is able to maintain his independence. He is working on obtaining his driver’s license and dreams of going to college one day.
But the one thing Darren still longed for was a family. Since being placed in foster care, all he had was his parents’ names.
Finding Family
With nothing else to go on, HSS IPS Employment Specialist Allyson Mooney set out to help. After months of research, they were able to track down Darren’s sister and his mom.
Darren was elated! While both his mom and sister live out of state, they have initiated contact and made plans to reunite.
Thanks to HSS, Darren is on his way toward reconnecting with his family and achieving his goals.
Your support funds programs like supportive employment, counseling and transitioning housing that help people like Darren pursue their best lives.