Human Support Services


Human Support Services / Board Member Bio  / Meet Frank: A Passionate Advocate for HSS

Meet Frank: A Passionate Advocate for HSS

Frank joined the HSS Board of Directors in May 2023 after attending the Shine Your Light Gala. “Chatting with HSS CEO/President Anne Riley, and past Board member Margaret DeBonis helped me understand the incredible impact of Human Support Services on our community and beyond.”

In his short time on the board, Frank has enjoyed being on the Finance Committee, attending the annual retreat, and speaking at the 2024 Donor Dinner. “These experiences have given me a deeper appreciation for the work that HSS does.”

Frank brings a strong drive to serve others, along with organizational and management skills to his role on the board. Outside of HSS, Frank is the Director of Operations at Confluence Investment Management and is actively involved in various community organizations.

“One of the highlights for me since joining the board has been the energy at the 2024 retreat. The passion and motivation of everyone there really showcased the potential of Human Support Services.”

Frank graduated from Waterloo High School in 1996 and has completed college coursework at Fontbonne University.

In his free time, Frank loves grilling in his backyard oasis and enjoys fly fishing with friends. “Oh, and I’m a huge fan of Microsoft Excel – I find the endless possibilities within the tool absolutely fascinating.”

Frank is proud to call Waterloo home, where he lives with his wife Lauren, daughters Lucy and Sophie, and our puppy Louise. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for HSS with Frank at our side!

If you’re interested in supporting HSS or serving on one of our committees or on our board, contact Courtney Hunter, director of development, at