HSS Programs Change Lives – You Can Help
Some kids ask for toy trucks and cars. Others dream bigger and put Ipads and Xboxes on their wish lists from Santa.
But Alex, at just seven years old, had one wish this Christmas – to have his daddy home for the holidays.
Alex hadn’t seen his dad in a long time, and it was hard when he was away.
It wasn’t always easy when he was home – Alex could remember some times when he was sick. But there were other times – really, really good times – when he was better.
That’s what Alex wanted for Christmas – daddy back and feeling good.
Thanks to Human Support Services, Alex got his wish this year.
Alex’s dad had been battling drug and alcohol addiction since he was a teenager.
Like many, he’d struggled to overcome his addiction many times through the years, sometimes going sober for months at a time.
But experimenting with drugs and alcohol in his teens had led to heroin by the time he was in his 20s. He struggled to keep a job, and couldn’t be there for Alex.
Earlier this year, Jeff was arrested for possession. His future looked uncertain and he wasn’t sure if he would ever get the chance to be the father he wanted to be.
Jeff knew it was time for a change.
Through the Adult Redeploy Illinois program*, Jeff worked with HSS and his probation officer to get his life back on track.
Jeff worked hard to get sober and was able to get custody of Alex. Alex got his wish and they’ll be able to spend Christmas together.
Many people addicted to drugs want to find a way to stop, but don’t know where to turn. They end up in jail or even worse.
Luckily, in Monroe County there is an organization to help people like Jeff or anyone struggling with mental health issues or substance use.
That organization is Human Support Services (HSS). HSS can only provide these services because of people like YOU.
Thanks to generous supporters like YOU, HSS is able to offer counseling, housing assistance, employment training programs and much more to all people, regardless of their ability to pay.
Can YOU make a difference in someone’s life this holiday season with a gift to HSS? Donations are tax deductible and allow for people like Jeff to get the help they need.
Please consider giving a gift to support HSS.
Click here to donate and change the lives of people right here in Monroe County.
*Results expected with Adult Redeploy Illinois include reduced prison overcrowding; lowered cost to taxpayers; an end to the expensive vicious cycle of crime and incarceration.
*Note: Some details and names have been changed to protect the identity of the clients.