Pictures are worth a thousand words but there isn’t a photograph that will show you all that we do here at Human Support Services (HSS.)
Our services are complicated and not always pretty.
Suicide prevention, substance abuse treatment, job training for those with intellectual or developmental disabilities – these are not the billboard photo-worthy services that capture the hearts of the public with endearing images.
And yet, these services are life-changing, and in many cases – LIFE-SAVING.
We know that the services we’ve been providing for the last 47 years have made a significant, positive difference in the lives of those we serve. Even more, we know we have made a lasting impact in our entire Monroe County community.
We hope that you know it too.
Our clients are your neighbors, your friends – maybe even your child, sibling, or parent.
We come to you now with our hearts in our hands because WE NEED YOUR HELP. Like so many, we have suffered great losses in 2020.
For the first time in decades, HSS has lost all funding from United Way of Greater St. Louis due to the change in their funding priorities
- Cost of Loss – $213,000
Our Community Day Training Services were not allowed to operate from March through September per state mandate due to COVID-19
- Cost of Loss – $48,642
Major fundraising events such as our Shine Your Light Gala, Trivia Night, and the annual Celebration Banquet have been canceled
- Cost of Loss – $99,000
We have seen a counseling reduction in demand for services due to stay at home order for COVID-19
- Cost of Loss – $43,226
We are asking you to help us Invest in People. Donate to HSS today.
Donations are tax-deductible and will be used for people in our community to get the help they need. Please consider giving a gift to support HSS.