Rosita’s Story – Pursuing A Life of Purpose
Rosita has always been genuinely curious.
Whether she’s walking around the courthouse square or having lunch at the local coffee shop, she’s quick to start a conversation with the person next to her. She wants to know about people and about the world around her.
Perhaps it was that curiosity – that thirst for more – that has driven Rosita all these years.
Now, Rosita’s days are full of purpose. She works at a job she loves at a local nursing home and has a place of her own to call home. She is surrounded by friends and family who support her.
But Rosita’s path to independence and fulfillment wasn’t always clear.
Rosita was born in Mexico, and spent the early years of her life in an orphanage there. At a young age, she was diagnosed with a developmental disability and a learning disability.
At the age of 10, she was adopted by a loving couple from Maeystown who enveloped them into their family.
School was a struggle for Rosita because her cognitive challenges made the traditional learning environment difficult. Still, she persevered.
As graduation approached, her parents wondered what would come next. What would Rosita do as an adult out in the world? Rosita wanted to be independent, but she wasn’t sure what options she had. Then, her high school guidance counselor referred the family to HSS.
HSS staff began working with Rosita and her family to make a plan for the future.
Over 60 percent of parents admit that they do not have a life care plan for their adult children with disabilities. Rosita and her parents determined that she would not fall into this category.
Person centered planning was instituted to discover Rosita’s strengths, abilities and dreams for the future. As our staff got to know Rosita, it became clear that independence ranked high on her list of life goals. She dreamed of living on her own.
The other thing that became abundantly clear around Rosita – she is a caregiver. Her greatest joy comes from caring for others and making them more comfortable, lifting moods and brightening spirits.
Much of this can be attributed to her time spent in the orphanage, where she learned to look after others.
Rosita graduated from Valmeyer HIgh School in 2000. When it came time to seek employment for Rosita, her planning team knew it would be important to find her a job where she could take care of people.
A position at a local nursing home felt like the perfect fit.
She worked with a job coach on-site until she was comfortable enough to perform the job on her own. Now, Rosita is a valued employee and her nurturing nature has found a purpose.
But Rosita wasn’t done pursuing her goals. Seven out of 10 adults with disabilities live with their parents, but Rosita continued to beat the odds. In fact, there are close to 80 individuals living in HSS residential housing programs.
After living in HSS housing with a roommate, she was able to move into an apartment by herself. She now resides in her very own home, just as she always hoped.
These days, when Rosita is not working a shift at the nursing home or visiting with her family in Valmeyer, she is often seen riding around town on her bicycle. Her smile says it all – she is happy.
Not only did HSS help Rosita meet her goals, but her parents’ goals as well. While there are still occasional struggles and obstacles to overcome, Rosita’s parents have peace of mind that she is living up to her full potential and pursuing her dreams.