Thank You For Shining Brightly at the HSS 2019 Gala
Today, I am glowing. Or to be more exact, I am basking in your brilliance.
On Friday, at the second annual Shine Your Light Gala, we asked you to let your light shine bright.
And boy, did you deliver.
As we continue to tabulate the final results of the donations collected through our auctions and raffles, and reminisce on the hours of special conversation and support for our diverse programming here at HSS, I can say without a doubt that this evening truly was one to remember.
There was laughter, engaged bidding and a delectable dinner. It was a chance to mingle and have fun, in the lovely setting provided by The Falls Reception and Conference Center.
But, most importantly, it was a reminder of the very special community that surrounds us, and the incredibly important work that we take on each and every day. It was our time to celebrate and to look forward.
And it wouldn’t have been possible without all of you.
In fact, while our call to” shine bright” came on the night of the gala, you had already begun leading us down a bright path toward another successful year.
The evening would not have been possible without months and months of hard work by our HSS Board of Directors and the Gala Council. These people took time from busy work schedules and families to attend meetings, collect donations and coordinate all of the small details that helped make the event so special.
And we wouldn’t have anything to celebrate if it wasn’t for our larger HSS family.
Every day, our staff and clients are brightening the world around them, giving back to the community and making the future better for us all.
That is an irreplaceable gift. It is why I am glowing, and have been since the night of the Gala.
Finally, I want to say: One of my favorite parts of the evening was simply talking to all of you. I was able to hear what HSS means to you and your families, and listen to your vision for the future.
You are all beacons of light, and I am absolutely thrilled to be just one person traveling the path you illuminate. Next year, I have no doubt we will have even more to celebrate. Hope to see you then.
Anne King
HSS Executive Director